In some cultures, the snake symbolizes evil and betrayal, such as the serpent in the Garden of Evil. But the Chinese zodiac celebrates the snake for wisdom, charm, and intuition. Snakes think before they act. They consider options from a 360-degree vantage point and carefully weigh risks against rewards.
Significant change will characterize the Year of the Snake. As our businesses move forward, this year will be a time to focus on long-term plans, creativity, and intuition. You will have opportunities for personal and professional growth and for embracing change. Snakes value knowledge, achieve their goals through hard work, and form important relationships.
Significant change? Here are some examples of happenings during previous Years of the Snake:
1965: The Voting Rights Act was passed in the United States, and Ed White became the first American to walk in space. Muhammad Ali defeated Sonny Liston, and Winston Churchill died.
1977: The original Star Wars was released in theaters. Radio Shack introduced the new TRS-80 computer, and soccer star Pele played his ‘sayonara’ game in Japan.
1989: The Berlin Wall fell, communism collapsed in Eastern Europe, and the proposal document for the World Wide Web was submitted.
2001: New York’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field were attacked by Al-Qaeda terrorists.
2013: There was a bombing at the Boston Marathon that killed three people and injured hundreds of others. The Defense of Marriage Act in the US legalized gay marriage. The newly elected Pope Francis used Twitter, a first for the papacy.
What changes will come during the current Year of the Snake? We can’t predict world events, but we can anticipate challenges arising in workplace dynamics that will require effective communication and a measured, balanced approach to issues. You will experience your own power, but try to avoid the stress generated by all the changes around you. Stay calm!
Don’t make hasty decisions. 2025 promises financial growth opportunities, especially in business, collaborations, and income growth. Partnerships will become especially important as we realize that best-in-class partnerships are the new normal in our industry.
Snakes usually think things through thoroughly. In the spirit of the Snake, this year will allow us to trust our intuition and take advantage of the ability to make the most of our potential.
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