The exhibit provided a forum for Medtronic to not only educate the audience about its products but also about its contribution to learning and continued education in the area of stroke prevention and treatment.

“Medtronic has found its brand safe and consistent with Idea International.”


Medtronic had a premier presence at this congress joining with the World Stroke Organization to launch the Road Map for Quality Stroke Care which provides a framework for monitoring and providing stroke services globally. Medtronic wanted to promote its partnerships with local agencies around the world in the use of its Solitaire Stent, the predominant and first of its kind device to pool patient-level data from four global randomized clinical trials.


Idea International continues to ensure Medtronic’s brand consistency as the company enters into partnerships with local agencies around the world. Medtronic’s tagline at the 10th World Stroke Congress was, “Let’s transform the standard of care together.” ”

Medtronic is committed to fighting stroke across the globe, and a crucial step in that direction is ensuring that the proper clinical education tools are available. The World Stroke Organization (WSO) provides dynamic education programs to reach a broad cross-section of caregivers in the stroke field. Medtronic not only exhibited at the Congress, but the company was also a sponsor, and provided targeted educational courses to help improve the patient care in people who have experienced a stroke.

In keeping with Medtronic’s pre-eminent role in stroke care and at the World Stroke Congress itself, the company’s exhibit announced its leadership. Medtronic’s corporate brand palette of blue and white was used in structures that could be viewed anywhere on the show floor. Strong right angles framed sections of the exhibit where large screens showed Medtronic’s messages in both static and dynamic formats. There was also a message inviting attendees to Medtronic’s sponsored symposium at the World Stroke Congress, “Moving stent retriever thrombectomy into the real world: the data, the programs, the Indian experience,” focusing on the specific problems faced by the local Indian community’s stroke epidemic. Currently, the stroke incidence in India is much higher than in Western industrialized countries. With a population of 1.2 billion, 1.8 million people suffer from stroke and one-third of those afflicted die annually. A 2013 study showed that approximately 23 percent of Indians are unaware of stroke warning symptoms.

Because Medtronic attracts global audiences no matter where they exhibit, the Medtronic copy on the screens is kept to a minimum so that healthcare professionals can interact with company representatives in their native languages.  As a matter of fact, much of the text positioned on the graphics displayed on the large screens invited conversation with sentences beginning with, “Let’s talk about…” or “Let’s transform…”  as well as the liberal use of the word “together.” All these words are accessible to a multi-lingual audience, even if its members have a very limited knowledge of English. Diversity plays a role as well in lifestyle images used in the exhibit. Part of Medtronic’s global success can be attributed to the fact that healthcare professionals feel as if they are in partnership with the company, that it is much more than a supplier of medical devices.

The exhibit also featured touchscreen monitors mounted on counters for both individual information and group demonstrations. In the center of the exhibit, surrounded by large monitors, informal conference areas allowed healthcare professionals to ask questions and get additional information from Medtronic’s scientists and company representatives.

In partnership with Group Delphi, Idea International has been the preferred partner for Medtronic’s exhibiting programs throughout the APAC region. Medtronic has found that its brand is safe and consistent with Idea International.

Exhibitor at a Glance


Medtronic is the world’s largest medical device company, founded in 1949 as a medical equipment repair shop by Earl Bakken and his brother-in-law, Palmer Hermundslie. Medtronic’s first life-changing therapy — a wearable, battery-powered cardiac pacemaker — was the foundation for many more Medtronic therapies that use electrical stimulation expertise to improve the lives of millions of people. Over the years, Medtronic has developed additional core technologies, including implantable mechanical devices, drug and biologic delivery devices, and powered and advanced energy surgical instruments. Today, the company’s technologies are used to treat nearly 40 medical conditions.


The 10th World Stroke Congress | Hyderabad, India

In the past, World Stroke Congresses were convened every four years, but the schedule has changed to every two years, reflecting the medical advances in the field and the need for healthcare professionals to be made aware of the new therapies. The 10th World Stroke Congress attracted acclaimed experts in stroke from around the world. The congress showcased a cutting-edge educational and scientific experience, focusing on the latest developments in stroke prevention, acute management and restorative care after stroke. The Congress was held in the exciting city of Hyderabad, India. ​​​


The Medtronic exhibit at the 10th World Stroke Congress provided a showcase for not only Medtronic’s products, particularly the Solitaire Stent, but also for its partnerships with the WSO.

The exhibit was a destination where the global audience could learn more about regional and local partnerships with Medtronic’s stroke care offerings.

The exhibit provided a forum for Medtronic to not only educate the audience about its products but also about its contribution to learning and continued education in the area of stroke prevention and treatment. These teaching courses are clinical education courses tailored to individual countries’ needs. They address evidence-based approaches to stroke prevention, treatment and rehabilitation and will focus on improving stroke services. At the 10th World Stroke Congress, these courses focused particularly on stroke care and prevention in Beijing, the Philippines and Hyderabad, India. Medtronic’s partnership with the Congress affiliate, the World Stroke Academy, provided a digital teaching option to reach all member countries with educational programming on stroke.

Medtronic and the WSO held a joint press conference in the exhibit to raise awareness of stroke and discuss the Road Map for Quality Stroke Care. WSO launched the Road Map, which provides the framework for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of stroke services globally. Medtronic is one of the sponsors of the Road Map. India was chosen for the launch to coincide with the World Stroke Congress in Hyderabad. The Road Map provides guidance for local healthcare officials and stroke care clinical groups for the selection of evidence-based recommendations, approaches to implementations in clinical practice, and the calculation of performance measures to create an environment of continuous quality improvement.

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