Contact Idea International, Inc.

Idea International is a partner you can trust to bring brands to life in the APAC countries. We are accessible and easy to work with.
Language is no barrier! You will be happy with our level of service, insight and knowledge as we deliver your message to the Asian markets.

Osaka Main Office

Idea International, Inc.
4F Senrichuou Twin Building Bekkan
1-1-4 Shinsenri-nishimachi
Toyonaka-shi Osaka
Japan 560-0083

Phone: (0)6-6170-9571
Outside Japan: +81-6-6170-9571
Fax: (0)6-6170-9572
Fax Outside Japan: +81-6-6170-9572
Skype Call

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Peace of mind, half a world away ™

Idea International is the first EDPA member company outside the US to receive EDPA’s RFP Certification
Idea International is a member of the International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services
Idea International is a member of the Healthcare Convention & Exhibitors Association
Idea International, Inc. is a member of the Nippon Display Federation
Idea International is a member of the Japan Exhibition Association

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