Welcome to the year of the tiger! In the Chinese zodiac, the tiger is the king of beasts. The tiger replaced the lion when the Jade Emperor needed to curtail the lion’s ferocious, law-breaking ways. The tiger grew into his power and learned to establish harmony between the human world, the forest, and the sea.
The year of the tiger will see us all playing to our strengths, ever mindful of maintaining balance, no matter what disruptive forces try to throw us off our game. The tiger reminds us to bring order from chaos and never run away from challenges.
Tigers show us how believing in ourselves and acting decisively and fearlessly can make us successful and competitive. The tiger is very observant and uses his insights to make sound decisions.
And lest we forget, tigers are considered lucky. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of luck to make our plans become a reality.
In this year of the tiger, we wish you harmony and fearlessness in the face of the uncertainties that challenge us. At Idea International, we believe in the power of the face-to-face industry, we believe that we will see a restored travel and business environment, and most of all, we believe in you. And we look forward to seeing you in person during the year of the tiger.
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